Artificial Weathering

UV Weatherometer (Atlas)

UV weatherometer
© Fraunhofer CSP
Four weatherometers are available at the Fraunhofer CSP, with which various tests with UV radiation (xenon), humidity and sprinkling are possible.

Four weatherometers are available at Fraunhofer CSP, with which various tests with UV irradiation (xenon), humidity and sprinkling are possible (separately or combined), according to the usual standards, e.g.:

  • IEC 62788-7-2 Measurement methods for materials used in PV modules
  • ISO 4892-1 and 4892-2 Plastics - Artificial irradiation or weathering in devices
  • ISO 11341 Coating materials - Artificial weathering and artificial irradiation.

Specimen sizes:

  • Drum: total area 2310 cm² (specimen dimensions 13.5 x 4.5 cm, adjustable)
  • Flat bed: total area 3000 or 3240 cm² (specimen dimensions 79 x 39 cm or 72 x 45 cm, 3D specimens can also be accommodated)